[Simh] Problem with EXAMINE on the VAX simulator

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Sun Nov 27 15:40:48 EST 2005


I'm currently trying to nail down a bug in our (vax-linux) stat()
implementation (which is probably a compiler bug). SIMH is a
"supported" machine for Linux, so I tried to use SIMH for debugging,
since is allows such a nice interface.

Linux runs with MAPEN=1. Userland's text segment is from 0x0000'0000
upwards, userland stack is at 0x7fff'ffff downwards. I can EXAMINE
the user text segment, but I cannot EXAMINE the userland stack area:

sim> exa 101a0
101A0:  EF01FB00
sim> exa 7FEF7F1F
Address space exceeded

The host SIMH is running on is i686-linux, the binary is self-compiled
since my distro doesn't yet ship the needed up-to-date libpcap. This
is SIMH V3.5-1.

Beside this problem (which could probably be even my fault to
correctly use SIMH), just a big: THANK YOU! It's nice to have such a
well-working simulator.


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw at lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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