FW: [Simh] SimH vax.exe cpu usage on Windows.

Andreas Davour ante at update.uu.se
Tue May 18 17:24:01 EDT 2004

On Wed, 19 May 2004, Bishop, Lewis wrote:

> Thanks for the responses so far...
> I have set the priority down to low and to be honest it doesn't seem to make
> any difference to the overall sysstem performance. I've tried some of the PC
> slow utilities but these have not reduced the CPU usage (didn't think they
> would). If it cannot be done within SimH then maybe some form of resource
> manager would  be good?
> Anyone have any further ideas?

Well, the problem here is that when the simulated CPU does nothing the
simulator is still running 100%. That means simh has to be patched to
"idle" on the host system as soon as the simulated CPU is "idle". You
can't solve the problem from Windows, as far as I know.

But if someone knows something I don't, do tell!


=================== Emacs =====================
			mail: ante at update.uu.se
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