[Simh] Lost PDP-11 OSes?

Andrew Warkentin andreww591 at gmail.com
Thu May 21 03:00:43 EDT 2020

On 5/20/20, Ray Jewhurst <raywjewhurst at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to collect all the OSes that I can for the PDP-11 on Simh and I
> have noticed that there are a few missing.  The ones I'm looking for are
> LSX (which used to be available online but I haven't seen it in a few
> years.), PWB-Unix (which I heard is available but is not able to run on the
> simulator.), UCSB Pascal (which I haven't seen hide nor hair of. Also, the
> only Pascal I've seen is SOLO), TRIPOS (which I have only seen broken links
> even mentioning it for the PDP-11.) and lastly, XINU (which I have only
> seen tar.gz's on TUHS but no install instructions or disk images.).  If
> anyone has any leads on any of these, it would be much appreciated.

I installed PWB under SIMH a long time ago, and still have the image
around. Can't remember which version, although I believe I downloaded
it from TUHS (probably one of the PWB tarballs at
<https://www.tuhs.org/Archive/Distributions/USDL/>). IIRC it wasn't
especially difficult to install.

IIRC I also have a P-System image for PDP-11, which may have been from

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