[Simh] Status of alpha simulator

Timothy Stark fsword007 at gmail.com
Thu May 7 22:01:46 EDT 2020

There is a few open source Alpha emulators like ES40 and DECaxp (available on Gitlab).  I got a copy of DECaxp but only sources.  I am figuring how to compile it. 




From: Simh <simh-bounces at trailing-edge.com> On Behalf Of Z Sztrprszkolwia
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 3:51 PM
To: simh at trailing-edge.com
Subject: [Simh] Status of alpha simulator


I've just realised there is a directory with some files for an alpha simulator, but it seems to be lacking most peripherals. Given the uncertain situation with being able to keep running OpenVMS on the VAX sim past 2021, I'm wondering why the alpha sim never got finished (some unsurmountable technical issue, or just lack of interest or dev time), and whether it would be achievable to get it running OpenVMS at some point in the future.

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