[Simh] hp alternatives

Kevin Handy khandy21yo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 18:44:53 EDT 2020

Since GP is exiting the VMS arena, and dropping the hobbyist licenses, I
was wondering about alternatives for running old VMS code.

There are plenty of C, FORTRAN, etc compilers on Linux/etc, but if there
were comparable VMS libraries (open source) for things like RMS, SMG, LBR,
etc, then many programs culd be run on other platforms.

I know there are commercial products like these, BUT The licensing doesn't
help hobbyist who want to share code.

Are there any of these available? I've done a few functions to convert VMS
calls to Linux calls before, but only for a few functions.

I just thought it would be another way to simulate some of VMS st another
level than simh/vax/vms.
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