[Simh] Bridge, tap and VDE on Bionic Beaver (Slightly OT)

John H. Reinhardt johnhreinhardt at thereinhardts.org
Wed Mar 4 17:35:55 EST 2020

On 3/4/2020 2:51 PM, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
> Greetings all.  I am trying to get VDE to work on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver and am running into nothing but problems. First, I have to admit I am somewhat of a networking novice. I edited the /etc/network/interfaces and when I did a ip -a show after a reboot, nothing changed! Also, I have seen references to a .yaml file but there are no references to creating the tap. Lastly, I having only given VDE a cursory glance but what don't know is once everything is all hooked up how do you know what the ip addresses are for the individual virtual nodes? I know this kind of OT but any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Ray
I've had similar troubles.  Ubuntu V18 (or maybe V17, the last I used was V16) changed the network configuration method (again) to this YAML stuff and I haven't successfully converted my older method using the /etc/network/interfaces.  Raspian also uses it now and I've been attempting there to integrate it with VDE, TunTap and bridges.  I also haven't had a chance to put a lot of time into it.  It's on the to do list.

Supratim's scripts look interesting.  I'll have to try them out or something similar.

John H. Reinhardt

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