[Simh] Imlac simulator

Lars Brinkhoff lars at nocrew.org
Fri Jun 5 01:40:53 EDT 2020


I have been working on an Imlac simulator.  I wrote it in C with an idea
to some day have it running on a microcontroller connected to an XY
display.  I based it on SIMH to get access to its many conveniences, but
it wasn't primarily intended for public consumption.  Mark found my code
and sent me some helpful comments, so I guess the cat is out of the bag.

If you are interested in the Imlac computers, I warmly recommend Josh
Dersch's simulator.  It has the full package of almost all optional
hardware and supports both the PDS-1 and PDS-4 models.  It's written in
C# for Windows but will also build and run with Mono.


Here's the world's lagest stash of Imlac software, as far as I know:


There's also some software from MIT, including the infamous Maze game.
>From University of Washington there's the Freeway game that may be the
inspiration for Frogger.  I have yet to expore the Stanford AI Lab
archives, but I know some things are hiding there.

PS. Does anyone have a copy of Godel, Escher, Bach with a photo of
Hofstadter sitting by an Imlac?

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