[Simh] UNIT_RO in simulated units

Bob Supnik bob at supnik.org
Sun Mar 25 20:13:38 EDT 2018

Again, the question is whether you want them to be "read only" to the 
device simulator or to SCP itself.

Typically, I've wanted paper-tape readers to respond to DEPOSIT, so that 
I can make changes or corrections to an input file. The "read only" 
nature of a paper-tape reader comes from the device simulator not having 
any code to write to the associated file. If you want to block DEPOSIT, 
then what you suggest is the correct course of action.


On 3/25/2018 8:08 PM, Paul Koning wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 2018, at 7:23 PM, Bob Supnik <bob at supnik.org> wrote:
>> Mark Pizzolato pointed out that UNIT_RO is cleared unconditionally at DETACH. This makes static declaration of a unit as UNIT_RO impossible. He has proposed a change to distinguish a "static" read-only unit (UNIT_RO set but not UNIT_ROABLE) from the usual "dynamic" read-only, set by ATTACH -R or by a unit-specific SET command.
> So how does one deal with things like paper tape readers, which are by defition read-only?  I've handled that by marking them ROABLE and supplying the R switch in the attach handler.
> 	paul

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