[Simh] Install VAX/VMS 4.4 on a simulated VAX-11/780

Henk van de Kamer simh at vandekamer.com
Sat Mar 24 08:43:08 EDT 2018

On 23-03-18 16:17, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> I'm sure those three standalone backup tapes are TU58 images which 
> aren't really "tapes" in the usual SIMH sense of the word. TU58 images 
> are a little more like "disks" in the emulator world.

You are correct! See the description were I found them [1, 2].

> You do not attach them to "TS". I think you attach them to "TD0" in a 
> simulated 11/750 or maybe just maybe a 11/730. I do not know if they 
> would work on a 11/780 or if 11/780 ever supported booting from TU58.

Thanks for clearing that up. I saw a post that TU58 should be supported 
for the VAX-11/780 but didn't see anything about bootable or not. Today 
I will try to build the newest Simh to rule out any Debian specific 
issues or older version issues. I didn't see a TD with show dev:

VAX780 simulator V3.8-1
Logging to file "logs/vms44.log"
sim> show dev
VAX780 simulator configuration

CPU, idle enabled=VMS
TLB, 2 units
MCTL0, nexus=1
MCTL1, nexus=2
UBA, nexus=3, autoconfiguration enabled
MBA0, nexus=8
MBA1, nexus=9
DZ, address=2013E040-2013E05F*, vector=C0-DC, lines=32
CR, address=2013FE70-2013FE77, vector=98, 285 cards per minute, 
translation 029
LPT, address=2013FF4C-2013FF4F, vector=80
RP, Massbus adapter 0, 8 units
RL, address=2013F900-2013F909, vector=70, 4 units
HK, address=2013FF20-2013FF3F, vector=88, 8 units
RQ, address=2013F468-2013F46B*, no vector, 4 units
RQB, disabled
RQC, disabled
RQD, disabled
RY, address=2013FE78-2013FE7B*, vector=B4, 2 units
TU, Massbus adapter 1, TM03, 8 units
TS, address=2013F550-2013F553, vector=94
TQ, TU81 (180MB), address=2013F940-2013F943, no vector, 4 units
XU, disabled
XUB, disabled

> I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with using a 
> different version of standalone backup (later than VMS 4.4) to do the 
> restore.

Ok. A reader of my blog suggested getting OpenVMS and I will look into that.

> If you wanted to be super historically correct on a 11/780 in the 
> mid-80's you would could be using the RX01 standalone backup floppies.

But then I must find images of those :-). In the VAX-11/782 website that 
was mentioned there was a bootable RP06 (?) image, but that doesn't work 
for me. But your mentioning bootable at least helps me understand some 
of the procedures I found. It is now logical that some of the devices 
they create use images and are not blank.

[1] http://iamvirtual.ca/VAX11/VAX-11-software.html
[2] http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/vax/vms/vmsTapePNs.txt


Henk van de Kamer

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