[Simh] IMP interfaces

Timothe Litt litt at ieee.org
Thu Mar 8 08:40:48 EST 2018

DEC produced IMP interfaces for the -10/20.  They typically were bundled
into the T systems (e.g. 1090T), but could be bought separately.  DEC
provided drivers & utilities for TOPS-20, but not TOPS-10.

KL10 - AN10 - I/O bus interface to the IMP for 1080/1090/1091
            AN20 - Same, for DECSYSTEM-20 (includes the DIB20 - the I/O
bus adapter for the KL)
KS10 - AN22 (Yet another KMC11 + line card device)  This may have been a
repackaged IMP11-B.

Both models come in standard (30 ft) interfaces, or with a long line
(2,000 ft) interface.  I don't remember the detailsl, but the long line
interface was probably differential.

DEC came a bit late to the party, but -10s were a large part of the
early arpanet.  And for most people, DEC field service represented risk
reduction from homebrew.

On 08-Mar-18 02:14, Lars Brinkhoff wrote:
> I'm focusing on interfacing with a PDP-10.  But it could be interesting
> to make a list of possible future additions.  Which interfaces were
> there?
> - KA IMP: PDP-10 I/O bus.
> - DM IMP: PDP-10 I/O bus.  Just one, made by Bob Metcalfe.
> - ACC LH/DH: Unibus.
> - DEC/CSS IMP11-A: Unibus.
> - ABSI: Honeywell 6180.
> - IBM?
> etc

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