[Simh] Simulating Fortran

Will Senn will.senn at gmail.com
Sat Dec 29 18:51:42 EST 2018

Hi all,

I’m looking for a good lead on two things - 1. A fortran environment for learning the language as it existed in the  research unix v6/v7 era (roughly late ‘70’s). 2. A good text/book to guide the way toward building and running fortran programs successfully.

I’m a little lost in the sea of possibilities- v6’s fortran however good that is... v7’s, rt-11’s, etc. <f77, f77, fortran iv, dec fortran, ibm fortran, etc. 

My bonus question is, was there a point of time in the late 70’s where a stable situation existed and most folks used system X with FXX? If so what system with which dialect, and is it accessible as a simh environment?



Sent from my iPhone

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