[Simh] Transferring the licence file to the VAX emulator

dave porter dave_list_addr at verizon.net
Mon Dec 17 10:16:06 EST 2018

>From: Brian <b_lists at patandbrian.org>
>To: SIMH at trailing-edge.com
>Subject: [Simh] Transferring the licence file to the VAX emulator

>Maybe I've forgotten more about the VAX than I think. WHAT 
>does it expect to see as a line terminator? 

Probably nothing. The 'natural' format would have been
RMS VAR-CR records (if I recall the terminology) where 
the line termination character is implicit rather than
being in the record data.

STREAM-LF may work, but I assume the trick is to get
the record-type for the file to match what you've put
in the file.

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