[Simh] how to set language number for VAX VMB

Mark Pizzolato Mark at infocomm.com
Sun Dec 16 00:53:41 EST 2018

On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 9:08 PM, Ron Young wrote:
> 	I'm playing with the latest version of the microvax 3900 and
> 	4.3BSD-Quasijarus0c and would like to set default language
> 	in VMB to 5 (us english). If I remember correctly there used
> 	to be a "set language 5" command to do this on real hardware.
> 	Any idea how to do this on simh?

At the boot ROM >>> prompt type HELP:

        KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
        Performing normal system tests.
        Tests completed.
        Following is a brief summary of all the commands supported by the console:

                UPPERCASE  denotes a keyword that you must type in
                |          denotes an OR condition
                []         denotes optional parameters
                <>         denotes a field that must be filled in
                           with a syntactically correct value

        Valid qualifiers:
            /B /W /L /Q /INSTRUCTION
            /G /I /V /P /M
            /STEP: /N: /NOT
            /WRONG /U

        Valid commands:
            DEPOSIT [<qualifiers>] <address> [<datum> [<datum>]]
            EXAMINE [<qualifiers>] [<address>]
            MOVE [<qualifiers>] <address> <address>
            SEARCH [<qualifiers>] <address> <pattern> [<mask>]
            SET BFLG <boot_flags>
            SET BOOT <boot_device>[:]
            SET HOST/DUP/UQSSP </DISK | /TAPE> <controller_number> [<task>]
            SET HOST/DUP/UQSSP <physical_CSR_address> [<task>]
            SET HOST/MAINTENANCE/UQSSP/SERVICE <controller_number>
            SET HOST/MAINTENANCE/UQSSP <physical_CSR_address>
            SET LANGUAGE <language_number>
            SHOW BFLG
            SHOW BOOT
            SHOW DEVICE
            SHOW ETHERNET
            SHOW LANGUAGE
            SHOW MEMORY [/FULL]
            SHOW QBUS
            SHOW RLV12
            SHOW UQSSP
            SHOW VERSION
            START <address>
            REPEAT <command>
            X <address> <count>
            FIND [/MEMORY | /RPB]
            TEST [<test_code> [<parameters>]]
            BOOT [/R5:<boot_flags> | /<boot_flags>] [<boot_device>[:]]
            NEXT [count]

Notice the SET LANGUAGE command.

The argument to the SET LANGUAGE command is the number you are 
prompted with when you see a language inquiry prompt like this:

        KA655-B V5.3, VMB 2.7
         1) Dansk
         2) Deutsch (Deutschland/�sterreich)
         3) Deutsch (Schweiz)
         4) English (United Kingdom)
         5) English (United States/Canada)
         6) Espa�ol
         7) Fran�ais (Canada)
         8) Fran�ais (France/Belgique)
         9) Fran�ais (Suisse)
        10) Italiano
        11) Nederlands
        12) Norsk
        13) Portugu�s
        14) Suomi
        15) Svenska

So your memory is correct.

Meanwhile, in order for this to persist across invocations of the simulator,
you need to save the setting in the same persistent place where it was stored 
on the original hardware.  The original system maintained these type of 
persistent settings (SET LANGUAGE, SET BOOT, SET BFLG) in the small amount 
of battery backed up RAM.  We simulate this battery backed up RAM by adding 
something like the following to your configuration file:

        sim> ATTACH NVR somefilespec

Good Luck.

- Mark

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