[Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

Timothe Litt litt at ieee.org
Mon Apr 10 19:45:12 EDT 2017

The most useful thing for the VT500 cartridge is a RAM card, which
expands the page memory.

They were hard to get once the terminals group was sold off.  I managed
to get some, but they appeared to be hand-assembled - poorly.  But a few
minutes of reflow, and I was happy...

For the earlier terminals, the character ROM space was limited, so there
was a plethora of models that had various (pre-unicode) multinational
character sets and keyboard layouts.  Many of these were done by local
groups (e.g. outside the Maynard Terminals group.)  The keyboards
(LK201/LK401/LK421) were all identical hardware, but there was a
surprising amount of work involved in getting the dozens of key
labels/variations built/documented/manufactured.

Someone mentioned the VT180.  I happen to know that hardware quite well,
as I repurposed the module for something else.  It turns out that it was
a second re-purposing.  The board originated in the AD group - but that
group got it from an engineer who designed it for his model railroad.  
The floppies were another story...

On 10-Apr-17 18:33, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> On 2017-04-11 00:27, Richard wrote:
>> In article <f1af2a15-70dd-d3c5-cc76-28529509265d at softjar.se>,
>>     Johnny Billquist <bqt at softjar.se> writes:
>>> You will also want a dump of the ROM cartridge, that actually holds
>>> most
>>> of the code...
>> What do you mean by "ROM cartridge"?  I've never seen any cartridges
>> for DEC terminals, not even the GIGI.
>> Are you referring to E80?
> No. The VT330 and VT340 have an external cartridhe that plugs into a
> slot in the back, and which holds most of the code. The VT500 series
> also have a cardridge slot, but for those I've never seen any
> cartridge, so that must be some optional thing.
> But for the VT330/340 the cartridge is not optional.
>     Johnny

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