[Simh] text from openvms

Rich Alderson simh at alderson.users.panix.com
Fri Mar 25 15:21:40 EDT 2016

> From: "Bill Cunningham" <billcun at suddenlink.net>
> Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 14:23:35 -0500

>     I have been studying the best way to copy from a vax simulator with =
> openvms to a linux host, text files. The Docs look like telnet and =
> kermit are the way to do it. So is there not a device like ISO that I =
> can copy TOO? I wouldn't think because cdrom is RO after all. and 'set =
> rq writeenable' isn't working nor is anything to do with cdrom working.=20

>     There may be several ways to do this. I am not concerned so much =
> about binary files as several .txt files. Am I on the right track with =
> telnet and kermit from those who have attempted and done this?

I'm going to be sorry about this.

No, you are *NOT* *NOT* *NOT* on the right track.

You will have to install Kermit on your VMS (the "Open" is silent) system.
You will have the same freaking problems doing that as you have with TCP/IP,
which you will have to install on your VMS system in order to telnet in.

If what you really want to do[1] is to copy out some TEXT files from your VMS
system so as to be able to see them as TEXT files on your Linux host, use the
SimH commands to

1.  Enable the printer on the VAX.
2.  Attach a file name to the printer.

Then, in VMS, use the PRINT command to put copies of those TEXT files into the
file you have attached to the SimH simulated printer.

3.  Escape back to the SimH prompt and detach the printer file.

The result of that will be a TEXT file.  You can edit that on Linux to separate
out the TEXT files that you issued PRINT commands for on VMS.[2]


[1] That is, if you're not just trying to waste people's time and raise their
    blood pressure.

[2] You could attach and detach individual files under SimH, but I'm afraid
    that might be too complex.

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