[Simh] Announcing CDC 1700 series simulator

Mark Pizzolato Mark at infocomm.com
Sat Jul 23 17:32:06 EDT 2016

It is contained in the https://github.com/simh/simh repository.
This can be accessed directly with git and/or downloaded as a zip via:


From: Simh [mailto:simh-bounces at trailing-edge.com] On Behalf Of SPC
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2016 2:27 PM
To: John Forecast <john at forecast.name>
Cc: SIMH <simh at trailing-edge.com>
Subject: Re: [Simh] Announcing CDC 1700 series simulator

Great news. Where is the simulador available?

Kind Regards

El 23 jul. 2016 18:29, "John Forecast" <john at forecast.name<mailto:john at forecast.name>> escribió:

For the past couple of years or so, I have been working on a SIMH-based

simulator for the CDC1700 series, a 16-bit system from the mid-1960's, using

the documentation and software available at bitsavers. It has now sufficiently

stable to allow others to make use ot the software. The base system implements:

        - a 1714 CPU with:

                 - 1705 multi-level interrupts and direct storage access bus

                 - up to 32KW of memory

                 - memory protect system

                 - Optional 64KW support

        - 1711-A teletypewriter

        - 1721-A paper tape reader

        - 1723-A paper tape punch

        - 1740 or 1742-30 line printer

        - 1738-B disk pack controller with up to 2 disk packs:

                 (853 disk pack - 1.5MW)

                 (854 disk pack - 3.0MW)

        - 1733-2 cartridge disk controller with up to 4 drives:

                 Each drive has 1 fixed disk and 1 removeable disk:

                      (856-2 CDD - 1.13MW per disk)

                      (856-4 CDD - 2.25MW per disk)

        - 1732-A or 1732-3 magtape controller with 4 transports

The simulator is able to boot the diagnostic tape (SYSTEM17_SMM_DIAGS.TAP at

bitsavers.org<http://bitsavers.org>) and successfully execute tests for each of the above

components. Some test sections fail due to various reasons; lack of

documentation, timing issues, feature not implemented etc.

The simulator is also able to boot and install MSOS 5 from an installation

tape (MSOS5_SL136.tap at bitsavers.org<http://bitsavers.org>) onto a 1733-2 cartridge drive. This

is a copy of a distribution tape provided by CDC to run on a 64KW system at


I would like to thank Doug Gwyn for answering questions about the system

architecture and providing details about specific diagnostics tests and

Al Kossow for for peripheral documentation so that I could get MSOS 5


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