[Simh] Burroughs B5500 simulator

Richard Cornwell skyvis at sky-visions.com
Sat Jan 30 13:43:38 EST 2016

Hi Bob,

> There are at least two other B5500 simulators that you can use for 
> cross-checking. One is here: 
> http://www.phkimpel.us/B5500/webSite/SoftwareRequest.html. I'll try
> to find a link for the other.

   I used Paul Kimpel and Nigel Williams's sim to answer many of the
   questions about how the machine worked. It was a difficult sim to
   develop since there are no diagnostics available to verify exactly
   how the instructions are suppose to work. 

   Two applications have a problem on my sim (not sure about Paul's),
   XBASIC appears to hang system on XIII, and does not parse things
   right on XV. APL works on XIII, but gets Invalid Address on XV. I
   need to proof-read these listings too see if there are any typos

> Unisys still holds the licenses to early versions of MCP, and in
> theory each individual simulator user is supposed to file a license
> with Unisys. There is no cost.

   Yes, I signed the license for XIII, and Paul is working out the
   license for XV. Once he has it he will make it available on his
   site. Right now the XV system tape that is available is corrupt,
   but enough of it was valid that a system can be rebuilt from the

   I wrote this sim so that a system with more then 1 dial up line
   could be used, it is very difficult with Paul's web based sim to do
   this. And to use the debugging and trace facilities of SimH. 

   If you wish to run MCP on my sim you have to get it from Paul's
   site, since I am not set up to distribute it. If anyone knows of any
   other B5500 or B6500 tapes or listing, please get in touch with Paul
   or Nigel. I would like to do a 6500 sim, but there is no software to
   speak of to make it worth it. 



Richard Cornwell
skyvis at sky-visions.com
LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornwell-991076107

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