[Simh] MicroVAX II time across boots

Wilm Boerhout wboerhout at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 08:33:21 EDT 2016

How does a real MicroVAX II preserve its time across boots?

How is this implemented in simh MicroVAX II? i.e. what virtual device 
should I attach to a file so that the time is preserved in VMS?
My configuration (below) does not preserve the time (VMS V7.3 fully patched)


--- simh config ---
; unused devices:
set cr disable
set lpt disable
set rl disable
set tq disable
set ts disable

att nvr /opt/simh-master/BIN/nvram.bin

set cpu 16M conhalt idle=VMS
set rom nodelay
set qba autoconfig

; DZ11
set dz enable
set dz lines=4
att dz 10000

; DUA controller
set rq0 autosize
att -e rq0 /vdisk/PAGESWAP.vdisk
set rq1 disable
set rq2 disable
set rq3 disable

; Ethernet
set xq mac=08:00:2B:17:08:58
att xq tap:tap0

boot cpu

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