[Simh] Printing and parsing registers

J. David Bryan jdbryan at acm.org
Sat Sep 12 16:28:12 EDT 2015

On Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 15:46, Bob Supnik wrote:

> ...including flags added to their proper spot, the flags field. 
> [...]  However, I think it's cleaner, in general, to put flags where
> they belong...

I may not have been clear that I'm proposing to add user flags to the upper 
part of the REG structure flags field, in the same way that user-defined 
device and unit flags are allowed in the upper parts of their respective 

The bit about passing them in the unused upper part of the radix parameter 
is just a way of avoiding changes to all of the existing simulators.  They 
certainly could be passed in a separate parameter if that's not a concern.  
Or passing a REG pointer via the uptr parameter and using that to access 
user-defined flags within the flags field would work.

> ...and find a way to let the print/parse routines know what register
> they're working on if REG_VMIO is set. 

Ay, there's the rub.  :-)  I've not come up with a robust way of 
identifying a register other than placing some sort of ID within in the 
register structure itself.

                                      -- Dave

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