[Simh] transferring files to and from v6 unix running in pdp11 emulator

Will Senn will.senn at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 15:06:35 EST 2015

On 11/20/15 1:22 PM, Mark Pizzolato wrote:
> On Friday, November 20, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Will Senn wrote:
>>> On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
>>> Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:
>>>> I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory answer
>>>> to this question:
>>>> How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix version
>>>> 6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host system?
>>> I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:
>>> on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
>>> on host: tar xf simh-disk-file
>>> Works both ways :-)
>>> -- Ragge
>> This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2
>> problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't have
>> rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or v7, or
>> some other variant of unix?
> Well, the tar approach is certainly the most elegant and if tar was available, converting a raw tar file to a simh tape image back and forth is quite trivial if you've got a tape device...
> So you may be reduced to cutting from the terminal session you are running the simulator in to get data from the simulator to the host (or the lpt approach you mentioned).
> If you try the latest code at github.com/simh/simh, pasting into the console terminal or any other supported terminal will now work and you won't be limited to just a couple of lines pasting at any one time.  This is new as of yesterday.
> - Mark
Thanks for the pointer about the updated code. My reaction? Well, I'll 
be... wow! I've been an off and on user over the last several years and 
yesterday, this vexing problem is fixed? - surreal. This is a huge 
improvement and will make it easier to copy and paste. However, at least 
on my macbook, when I cat a file with tabs in it and copy and paste that 
file, terminal converts the tabs to spaces. I confirmed this using:

cat /usr/source/s1/exit.c | od -c and observing the presence of \t in 
the output. If I then cat the file to stdout and copy that into the 
copy/paste buffer and do cat > myexit.c pasting it back in and cat that 
to od -c, the \t is now a space.

Any ideas on how to preserve the tabs?



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