[Simh] Simulating the PDP-15/76 Unichannel

Phil Budne phil at ultimate.com
Thu Mar 19 10:51:15 EDT 2015

> [3] NB:  The primary front end must be an 11/40.  There are up to 4
>     DTE-20s in a KL-10, and the secondary systems can also be 11/34's,
>     I believe, but I don't think they run RSX-20F, just special loads
>     like DECnet or HASP/RJE software.

On a TOPS-10 system front ends include ANF-10 nodes (ie; DN87S) for
terminals: serial lines (other than the console and KLINK) weren't put
on the Console Front End of a 1090, and would be undesirable in an SMP
(1099) configuration.  Tho ISTR TOPS-10 might have supported
additional terminals on the CFE on a 1091 (a blue 2060)?

There was also the DL10 which I think *WAS* a memory mapper (for up to
four 11's) used on KA and KI systems (someone is working on SIMH mods
for these), and my list of PDP-10 peripherals:
includes one non 11/40 or 11/34 system:
DC75	sync (PDP-11/15 & DS11's via DL10) DN8x code base! (cf DAS85?)

And one where I have no spec for the '11:
DAS78	IBM bisync support (up to 16 360, 370, and/or 2780's) (PDP-11 via DL10)

FWIW, the chk11 in the ANF sources recognizes the following:
KD11-D (11/04)
KD11-B (11/05 or 11/10)
KA11 (11/20) or KC11 (11/15)
KD11-E (11/34)
KD11-A (11/35 or 11/40)
KB11-A (11/45)

And for completeness, I also have these other PDP-10 devices:

DA10    12/18-bit (PDP-8/9) computer interface
DA28C   PDP-8/11/12/15 interprocessor channel (for upto 16 processors)
DA28A   PDP-8/12 interface on DA28C
DA28F   PDP-11 interface on DA28C

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