[Simh] The genius of C declarations

dave porter dave_list_addr at verizon.net
Mon Jun 29 18:14:47 EDT 2015

>void (*sim_vm_init) (void)
>Well what is this. The function returns nothing and takes nothing
>right? What's the *sim_VM_init in parenthesis referring too? That's my 

void foo(void)   says 'foo' is a function taking no args and returning no 

void (*bar)(void)  equally says '*bar' is a function taking no args and 
returning no value
therefore bar is a pointer to a function taking no args and returning value

void *bar(void)  would say 'bar' is a function taking no args and returning 
a void*
which is to say, the parentheses around *bar are controlling precedence.

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