[Simh] DEC floppy disk interleave questions

Hans-Ulrich Hölscher hoelscher-kirchbrak at freenet.de
Thu Jul 16 08:40:03 EDT 2015

Hi Alan,
if you want to image your disks and floppies for use with simh, there's an easy way to do it.
All you need is a (Micro-)VAX having the appropriate drive(s) running VMS.
MOUNT/FOREIGN <device-name>
COPY/LOG <device-name> yourimagename.img
DISMOUNT  <device-name>
Don't worry about the error message at the end of the COPY process - that's normal, just that copy discovers the end of media.
You get an image containing all the blocks of your device in logical order - VMS will take care of the device details.
I've done it several dozen times, it never failed (except for defective media).
And it even works vice versa, I often prepare images within simh and transfer them onto my real disks and floppies.
There might be a similar way to do it with a PDP-11, too, e.g. using "dd" with ULTRIX-11, or some other tools under RT-11, RSX or RSTS. 
Will you make your images available?

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