[Simh] TA11/CAPS11 progress

Bob Supnik bob at supnik.org
Fri Jun 7 15:52:13 EDT 2013

Thanks to Ian Hammond, Lou Ernst, Malcolm Macloud, and Jack Rubin, 
CAPS11 now runs on SimH. The key bug was in the reset routine.

ta_cs = 0;

should be

ta_cs = TACS_RDY;

In addition, I've added the CAPS11 bootstrap into the emulator module, 
so no more toggle-in required.

In the course of this work, I discovered a bug in the CPU SET <model> 
command that inadvertently disabled some devices improperly. Further, 
the CR11/CD11 starts off enabled; because the default CPU is an 11/73 (a 
Qbus machine), it should start off disabled.

Lou Ernst reported that RT11 V5 does not work with the TA11, even on 
real hardware. The simulated TA11 does work under RT11 V4; it's included 
in the stock FB monitor.

One anomaly with RT11 V4 - after writing files to CT0: and then doing a 
DIRECTORY, all the files lengths are 0. The files are there. I can type 
them and DIFF them against their source.  Does anyone know if this is 
the expected behavior?



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