[Simh] Database of PDP-11 diagnostics

Alan Frisbie frisbie at flying-disk.com
Tue Dec 17 16:16:12 EST 2013

> a new database about all PDP-11 diagnostics went online this week:
> http://www.retrocmp.com/tools/pdp-11-diagnostic-database
> The database contains
> - a list of all known PDP-11 / MAINDEC / X11 / XXDP diagnostic modules
> - links to all kind of bitsavers files: manual pages, binary files, 
> media images, listing scans, file images, and indexes
> - a list of all tested devices

Wow!   This is fantastic.   Thank you (and everyone else who
made this possible) very much.   It is a valuable resource.

Alan Frisbie

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