[Simh] Questions regarding future simulator development

Gérard Calliet gerard.calliet at pia-sofer.fr
Thu Apr 11 14:21:22 EDT 2013

Le 11/04/2013 19:37, Michael Mondy a écrit :
> I guess there are two types of questions when talking about ways
> to extend or improve SimH.  What would be useful to current users?
> What would be useful to current developers?  What would be useful
> for new users?  What would be useful for new developers.  Ok, that's
> four...

I'm just a new user. For me simh is the better way to give to VMS 
customers the opportunity of going on with VMS.

I explain : commercial emulators all use Windows, so customers who have 
a lot of software on alpha/ia64 OpenVMS, and some on VAX/VMS buy these 
WIndows emulators, buy Intel hardware, and think about migrating all to 
Windows. Windows as a convergence platform. Not so good.
With simh (vax) on OpenVMS / ia64 there is only one platform, and only 
one OS. OpenVMS as a convergence platform. Better.

It would be interesting to have improvements on specific implementations 
on OpenVMS : better use oh io system, better network integration...

Are there someone who already thought about it ?

Gérard Calliet

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