[Simh] DECnet for TOPS-10

Timothe Litt litt at ieee.org
Sat Apr 13 10:20:48 EDT 2013

I noticed that the DMC-11 was added to simh.

It seems to have some support for the DMR-11, but I haven't tried to 
determine how complete that is.

TOPS-10 has a driver for the DMR (but not the DMC).  So it might be 
worthwhile to get the DMR configured with the KS simulator.  Connect it 
to a DECnet routing emulator that also has an ethernet adapter (probably 
a VAX), and TOPS-10 would be on the network.  Also, connect two TOPS-10 
systems with a DMR-11 & you can run ANF-10, which is TOPS-10 native 
networking.  (And a -10 with the right -11 & you can run the TOPS-10/IBM 
RJE gateway.)

is the DMR tech manual.  3.5.3 is important; the driver checks for 
micro-diagnostic result codes.

TOPS-10 never supported the DMC-11; I'm pretty sure it would NOT work.  
I wrote the DMR-11 driver (d8rint.mac), which was officially 
unsupported, but I shipped it with the OS.

For TOPS-10, the DMR-11 bus address is 3764000 (uba 3, unibus 764000); 
the interrupt vector is 610.  I never built a system with more than one, 
but the software should support up to 8 (10 bytes each for both CSR and 
vector).  You do need to MONGEN to get a monitor with DMR (and 
networking) support.

Also of potential interest:  DDT11 will run standalone on the KS10, and 
contains a pdp-11 simulator.  I used this to run the PDP-11 DMR11 
diagnostics on the KS10, from the equally unsupported (but working) RX20 

The supported networking device for both TOPS10 and TOPS20 was the KDP 
(KMC-11/DUP-11); this is the microprocessor from the DMC/DMR with 
loadable microcode that manages a DUP-11 via DMA over the Unibus.  It's 
a rather unpleasant device...

One other note in passing; I noticed that the ks10 IO emulation 
(pdp10_ksio.c) claims that 4 UBA were architected, but only 2 were used 
(UBA 1 & 3).  This is only partially true; UBA 2 was installed in quite 
a few systems, particularly systems shipped by the Computer Special 
Systems group with odd hardware.  But also some adventurous customers.

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