[Simh] A few more bugs found

Michael Bloom mabloom at dslextreme.com
Thu Mar 22 17:18:53 EDT 2012

I've updated the Makefile diff to fix a couple of things and to allow 
individual simulators to be linted.

After applying the diff,  you can lint individual simulators by saying, 
for example:

	make lint-pdp11 BIN=lint-

Or you can lint everything with just "make lint".

The changes are in the attached file "DIFF".  They can be applied to a 
makefile from wednesday's github master branch via

	patch makefile<  DIFF.

  If your makefile contains carriage returns as well as newlines, you'll 
need to run:

	tr -d \\r<  makefile

first, otherwise you'll get six "hunk failed" messages.

If you have a different makefile version, it's not hard to update by 
hand as there are only six hunks in the diff.  The last two hunks 
comprise about 72% of the diff,  and can be manually accomplished by a 
global replace of the string "-o $@" with "$(OUTPUTSPEC)".  The first 
four chunks are all of 2238 bytes.

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