[Simh] Cross-assemblers, cross-compilers: success! (so far)

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons jg at jordi.guillaumes.name
Tue Jul 24 18:05:27 EDT 2012

First of all, thanks for the replies to my post asking for a PDP-11 cross-assembler for linux/unix environments.

I've been playing with some of the suggestions I got, and finally I have decided to try to build a GNU toolchain configured as cross-compiler. Although it has some issues (the most annoying is that the default script used by the linker has a syntax error!), it can be used and it works. I've also written a small program to convert from the a.out format generated by the "ld" linker to the "paper tape" format that the SIMH load command expects. 

To cut the story short, I've been able to write, compile, link and execute a small "hello world" program over a bare metal (simulated) PDP-11. I've written a blog post about that small acomplishment, where if you are interested you can see the steps I followed and you can find the small utility I've written.

The URL is http://ancientbits.blogspot.com.es/2012/07/programming-barebones-pdp11.html

Jordi Guillaumes i Pons
jg at jordi.guillaumes.name

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