[Simh] cpu idle with NetBSD

Michael Bloom mabloom at dslextreme.com
Wed Apr 11 16:12:20 EDT 2012

On 04/10/2012 11:19 PM, Gregg Levine wrote:
> Hello! Mike, what were you looking for when you clicked there? That's 
> how his resource presents use with zip files of his work.
I had assumed that clicking on a link named 
"https://github.com/markpizz/simh/zipball/v3.9-0-rc1" would yield a zip 
file whose name contained the string "3.9-0-rc1" or something similar. 
my message  was commenting on the fact that the zip file retrieved by 
clicking that link instead contained the string "v3.8-2-rc2", which 
seemingly indicated earlier code.

If a zip file named after "v3.8-2-rc2" actually contains code from the 
later version "3.9-0-rc1",  how is one to be certain which file in one's 
Downloads directory contains what contents, after several downloads of a 
development release whose packaging names do not match the purported 
versions have taken up residence in that directory?

>  Cygnus was glommed by Red Hat because of its interest in eCos . . . 
> however that part got spun off years later leaving them holding the 
> bag for the Cygnus tool chains. The question is, "What company were 
> you thinking of? . . . Please explain off list.

As long as doing so ends with this clarification,  I don't think it 
hurts to respond on-list.   There are many companies and individuals who 
sell support services for free software, probably in part due to the 
example set by Cygnus years ago.  I only said "like Cygnus", because I 
didn't want to present the implication that they were the only ones.  A 
large list of such companies and individuals is maintained at 
http://www.fsf.org/resources/service .

- michael

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