[Simh] Clean CTSS Sources

Richard Cornwell skyvis at sky-visions.com
Fri Dec 3 22:17:02 EST 2010

Hello Dave, Bob and others.

   After much effort I have most of CTSS sources compiling under CTSS!
   I have put together a source pack at:


   You need to replace from Dave's package, obj2img.c setfil.fap,
   setup.fap and dsetup.fap. These new versions fix line marked files
   to work correctly on my sim (should be all). They also delete
   files before loading them. Also I removed the creation of M1416
   CMFL01 from dsetup.fap since this was making only 1/2 a directory
   and was totaly unusable! These are in 

   Inside the package you will find a taps directory with P7B tape
   images of basic stuff needed to boot. In misc directory you will
   find the data files for creating the UFDs and other Accounting
   files. Within each source directory is a dir.sh file which will
   create a file dir_src.bcd which can be loaded with setup. 

   All of these files when compiled should produce identical listings
   to what we have. I have some pagination to clean up on some. And
   there are a few that don't appear correct (ADMIN OPTION). There are
   some bugfixes and minor changes I had to do to get things to link

   I have included my version of COMBIN.MAD to build libriares etc. It
   functions identical to the '69 Programmers Guide. Over next couple
   weeks I will try and recreate a few of the missing utilities (PRINTF,
   STOMAP etc). I have not hit all stuff from util tape since is
   generaly not usefull to us today. If there is something you think we
   need let me know. 

   I also have a new version of my sim with what I believe correct CTSS
   support. Protection mode is a bit more involved that we initialy
   thought. I/O operations are valid in B core provide a LPI
   instruction was not run prior to the last trap. LRI might reset this
   flag as well (I'm not sure). If sequence in LPI... TIB is executed
   all I/O is traped to A core. HTR and HPR do not trap but hang out
   until next interrupt occures. During disk boot, LOADTS is loaded
   into B core and then loads the rest of CTSS into A core, then
   transfers to it in A core. I have built a version of LoadTS and
   gotten it to load into B core. However it dies trying to
   initialize the filesystem. I have hacked LoadTS to read a BSS file
   from tape, and am going to try booting system that way to see if
   there is problem with the filesystem. 

   The new version of my sim is here:
   There is a problem with I7010 support under PR155 it gets error
   runing Autocoder, but not Fortran? I have not been able to figure
   out why.

   There are some bugs with the system. Every once and a while it
   trashes directories. Also if you log in while another user is
   running something it will freeeze. I am not sure if it is a bug in my
   sim or improper common support from asm7090, or something else.
   Multiple users running stuff is not problem. It is just login, after
   propmting for password everyone freezes. Let me know if either of
   you are experiencing same thing on your sims. It is very
   reproducable :-). 

   Let me know how this works. I will try and get Disk images up over
   weekend. And DAEMON and DSKEDT running. 


Richard Cornwell
skyvis at sky-visions.com

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