[Simh] Potentially stupid questions: PDP-11/RSTS and PDP-10/TOPS-20

Michael Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 06:59:33 EDT 2010

Question #1: I'm trying to find some programs to put into my RSTS system and
stumbled over some files on BitSaver that I can't figure out.  (
http://bitsavers.org/bits/DEC/pdp11/dectape/ would be an example.)  They end
in .dta and seem to be viable tape images of some kind when I inspect the
contents.  For example
a whole bunch of BASIC source files which appear to be in perfect
 Yet I cannot find any combination of SIMH attach and RSTS mount commands
that will allow me to actually access the contents of these.  What, if
anything, is the trick to accessing these mysterious "DTA" formatted images?
 Is there any kind of tool to convert to a format that SIMH supports?

Question #2: I want to start tinkering with TOPS-20 under SIMH, but I can't
find a sysgen tape image that boots.  Every one I've tried so far after
attaching and using SIMH's boot command has just led to SIMH sucking up all
my CPU and doing nothing else, even if left alone for hours.  Does anybody
know of a known-good tape image to sysgen a TOPS-20 installation from that
works under SIMH?

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