[Simh] SIMH, PDP-11, RSTS/E and disconnection

Michael Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 05:08:24 EDT 2010

So I have a really nicely-running PDP-11 now with remote access via telnet
through a DZ-11 device fully working.  I can log in remotely on up to 8
simultaneous connections (only one DZ-11 set up for now) and have everybody
working at the same time without a problem.  There is, however, the problem
of hanging up.

I've attached the DZ-11 with the following command:

attach -am dz 6870

Then I connect via:

telnet localhost 6870

I then log in and kill my telnet connection entirely.  Just for good measure
I kill the shell that spawned the telnet connection and double-check with ps
that I've got no telnet sessions of any kind running.  When I switch over to
the console and check, the logged-in user is still logged-in.  The missing
telnet connection hasn't translated into any kind of hangup it seems.
 Further, when I telnet back in I go straight into the logged-in user
account.  I think the undesirability of this is understandable.  I've also
tried attach plain, with -a, with -m as well as with -am as above without
any changes in behaviour.  The system never seems to figure out that the
connection has gone away.

When I pause the simulation and inspect its state, I see this:

sim> e dz state

CSR[0]: 040140

RBUF[0]:        000000

LPR[0]: 017030

TCR[0]: 000000

MSR[0]: 000001

TDR[0]: 000012

SAENB[0]:       1

RXINT:  00

TXINT:  00



To my untrained eye it looks like auto-disconnection and modem controls are
both set on as expected, so how do I get the system to act like it is
supposed to?

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