[Simh] SIMH 3.8-0 with SLiRP compiled in (along with sources)

Jason Stevens neozeed at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 18:18:47 EST 2009

In the off chance that anyone is interested, I finally got around to
updating my SLiRP patch onto SIMH.


The upshot is that if you are using TCP/IP, you don't need to latch
onto an ethernet device, and you can telnlet back into the VM on port
42323 (it's changeable in the source).

I've included the full source in the zip file..

The only special instructions for building is that the slirp directory
cannot be built with -O2, as it will not function correct, and that
I've only tested building this with gcc 3.4.5 with MinGW however prior
versions of this worked with other OS's with GCC. I should also add,
I've changed the idle code to work the prior way, and you have to boot
with the cpu idle set to FIX.

For what it's worth I've been testing an install of Quasijarus inside
the microvax for over an hour, both telnetted in running worms, and
building a kernel and checking the 'FIX' idle and all seems well...

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