[Simh] Listings of XXDP test and maindec's for 11/70

Walter F.J. Mueller w.f.j.mueller at gsi.de
Tue Apr 14 02:11:55 EDT 2009


one finds quite a few test listings for xxdp and maindec code

      http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/pdp11/1160/  (for 11/60)

There are listing of RK05 tests (ZRK*), of some 11/34 tests (FKA*)
and the KDJ-11 tests (ZKD*). What's to my knowledge missing are
listings of the 11/70 tests, EKB*, or more general E*.

I've setup a disassembler which does now a pretty good job to
produce an annotated listing of those tests, but there is no
substitute for the code annotation in the original listings.
For example I stumbled across the following code in EKBBF0.BIC:

020326	012737	000340	000066	B155:	mov	#cp.pr7,@#D011
020334	012737	020374	000064	B156:	mov	#V054,@#v..tto
020342	000233				spl	3
020344	152777	000100	160570		bisb	#'@, at p.tocs
020352	012777	000015	160564		mov	#000015, at p.tobu
020360	130057			D056:	bitb	r0, at -(pc)
020362	142777	000100	160552		bicb	#'@, at p.tocs

The instruction 'bitb r0, at -(pc)' is more than odd. It'll trap.
Or it'll go wild, like on my 11/70 implementation.....
But why this construction ? Only the listings will tell.

This is only a funny example, there are many more mundane open
ends I have using these tests to verify my 11/70.

So here my quest:

    If anybody still has the listings of these old maindecs,

      EKBA - 11/70 CPU basic instruction
      EKBB - 11/70 CPU advanced instruction
      EKBC - 11/70 cache test 1
      EKBD - 11/70 cache test 2
      EKBE - 11/70 memory management
      EKBF - 11/70 UNIBUS map
      EKBG - 11/70 Power Fail Test
      EMJA - 11/70 MJ11 Parity Memory Diag
      EMKA - 11/70 MK11 ECC Memory Diag
      EQKC - 11/70 Instruction & I/O Exerciser
      EFPA - PDP 11-45/55/70 FP11-C DIAG PART 1
      EFPB - PDP 11-45/55/70 FP11-C DIAG PART 2

    I'd very very much appreciate if you'd scan them and put them
    into the bitsavers.org repository. If they are available
    somewhere else, any hint is equally welcome.

		With best regards,	Walter

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