[Simh] VMS 4.x crashing on every other boot

Andrew Warkentin andreww at datanet.ab.ca
Wed Mar 12 08:15:48 EDT 2008

Hittner, David T. wrote:

>The first thing VMS does after printing the version is go into the
>hardware detection phase, so the MUP may have added a more rigorous test
>for some piece of hardware that SIMH is not not simulating perfectly (or
>is simulating too well :-).
>You might try reducing the attached devices in SIMH to the bare minimum
>and see if you can figure out which device is hanging the simulator.
>If you get it down to just the primary disk drive and it's still
>hanging, try installing VMS on a different type of disk drive and/or a
>different type of disk controller.
That doesn't fix it. Even attaching the image as a different type of 
disk doesn't fix it.

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