[Simh] Getting V7 to work with DZ11

Tim Newsham newsham at lava.net
Sun Apr 20 13:33:27 EDT 2008

I'm trying to get DZ11 working with V7 in simh.  Thanks to H. Geisse's
instructions I was able to install V7 fairly easily from the Keith
Bostic tapes and follow the directions to configure and build kernels
(hidden gotcha: if you dont set the time in V7, your kernel builds
wont be building new kernels and keep building the same old one
each time!  doh!).

Thanks to V. Ljosa's tutorial:
    http://www.ljosa.com/~ljosa/v7-dz11 I was able to patch my mkconf.c 
(being careful about the tabs in the patch) and configure a kernel with dz 
support and install it, configure init and setup the proper device files. 
Unfortunately at this point I had trouble configuring the simh hardware to 
play along.

At first I tried attaching the device while the system was running
by hitting ^E and entering "set dz lines=8" and "att dz <port>"
for the <port> I chose.  As soon as I do this I get a panic:

   sim> cont
   ka6 = 2274
   aps = 141624
   pc = 103630 ps = 30240
   trap type 0
   ka6 = 2274
   aps = 141440
   pc = 103630 ps = 30240
   trap type 0
   panic: trka6 = 2274
   aps = 141236
   pc = 1036ka6 = 2274
   aps = 140752
   pc = 1036ka6 = 2274
   aps = 140466
   pc = 1036ka6 =
   Trap stack push abort, PC: 013740 (MOV 6(R5),-(SP))

I then tried to add these commands to the startup commands instead
which boots single user fine but panics going multiuser:

   ka6 = 5004
   aps = 141620
   pc = 102400 ps = 30000
   trap type 0
   panic: trap

has anyone been able to get this to work in simh?  Am I configuring
the device incorrectly?  Do I need to patch something else?

Tim Newsham

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