[Simh] 3.7-2 released

Luca Sironi luca at sironi.tk
Fri Jul 13 11:04:56 EDT 2007

2007/7/13, Bob Supnik <bob at supnik.org>:
> I'll make a public announcement in a few days, as soon as I'm sure
> there aren't any silly mistakes.

i've seen in the changelog that you've revised VAX idle detector

is it normal that  i'm still not able to use "set cpu idle" ?

VAX simulator V3.7-2
sim> load -r /usr/pkg/share/simh/ka655.bin
sim> at nvr /home/luca/vax_nvram.bin
NVR: buffering file in memory
sim> set cpu idle
Command not allowed

thank you,
ascolta  http://radio.sironi.tk

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