[Simh] 3.7-2 released

Vorländer, Martin MV at PDV-SYSTEME.DE
Fri Jul 13 05:39:43 EDT 2007


> I'll make a public announcement in a few days, as soon as I'm sure 
> there aren't any silly mistakes.

Compiles cleanly under Win2K and XP using Visual C++ [1] and runs VMS well
(including CPU idling) here, including dynamic loading of WinPcap 4.0.1.

Keep up the good work!


[1] using my own NMAKE makefile,
One OS to rule them all       | Martin Vorlaender  |  OpenVMS rules!
One OS to find them           | work: mv at pdv-systeme.de
One OS to bring them all      |   http://www.pdv-systeme.de/users/martinv/
And in the Darkness bind them.| home: martin at radiogaga.harz.de

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