[Simh] ka655/ka655x + copyright/licensing issues

pgaray pgaray at bigfoot.com
Thu Aug 30 17:17:22 EDT 2007

I would like to remind everyone to the British Statute of Monopolies 1623 
there was a general prohibition on monopolies with a limited exception that 
became the basis of copyright and patent law. The "limited time" exception 
in our
current world, that is changing faster and faster, is getting longer and 
and is the vechicle for the creation of monopolies. The US Constition 
extract you
mentioned does not balance the right of creators against the common good 
prohibition on monopolies, so it is open for lawmakers to keep adding 
rights to
IP owners without the respect to the commons.


On 2007. 08. 29. Wed 20:00 , Rich Alderson  wrote:

>> From: Peter Lund firefly at vax64.dk>
>> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 17:16:55 +0200
>> Absolutely.  They are a far cry from the lines Franklin (as a writer 
>> former printer's apprentice) got into the constitution:
>> "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for
>> limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to 
>> respective Writings and Discoveries."
>> This used to be interpreted as 14 (fourteen) years + a possible 
>> extension...
>14 years is patents, which used to be non-extensible.  Copyrights used to 
be 28
>years with possible extension for an additional 28.
>                                                                Rich 
>Simh mailing 
>Simh at trailing-edge.com

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