[Simh] A CDROM/DVD question in SIMH

Kevin Handy kth at srv.net
Wed Nov 16 13:45:15 EST 2005

Vorländer wrote:

>>In the SIMH setup (vax.ini), the "CDROM" drive is mapped to the image  
>>file. Is there anyway to map it to the actual CDROM drive on the  
>>underlying host (be in Mac or PC or ?) so one does not have to make  
>>an image file of each and every CD being used?
>Under *ix, you can map it to the /dev/cdrom device file (or whatever
>it's called in that specific *ix flavor). As there is no such thing
>under Windows, you have to live with the image files there.
Just to add to that, I would suspect that MAC OSX should also be
able to map it to /dev/cdrom (or whatever it is called there), since
it is based on a Unix core. You may need to work with the
permissions on any *ix system to grant access to that device,
or run as root.

For Windows, you are  out of luck. It doesn't give easy access to
unmounted devices.

>>Can one map it to an image file of a DVD ?
>No idea, sorry.
>  Martin

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