[Simh] SIMH/Vax woes

Kevin Handy kth at srv.net
Mon Jun 6 13:28:41 EDT 2005

Brian Meadows wrote:

>On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 20:48:09 +1000, pgaray at bigfoot.com wrote:
>>1. VMS CD
>>The cd is in ODS format - it has the native VMS file system
>>format. That is not the format that is the usual filesystem
>>format for a cd (that is iso9660). It is strange that mount
>>did not give you an error. You have to copy it as an image
>>with this linux command:
>>            dd if=/dev/cdrom of=vmsinstall.img
Under Linux, you can just point simh at the raw CD drive (/dev/cdrom
or whatever its device point is), and it will happily use it. You can't do
this under Windows.

>Argh. I *knew* I had to be doing something silly in Linux. I was
>trying to access it via the mount point, not the device, i.e.
>/mnt/cdrom not /dev/cdrom. 
>>2. PCAP version
>>I do not recall version numbers, but somewhere the ethernet
>>readme tell you that you need the very latest PCAP to compile.
>Well, I downloaded the latest version I could find...
Is libpcap installed in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib?
You will need to modify the makefile if you intalled it
into /usr/local/lib. Search for 'pcap', and the change should
be fairly obvious.

>>That PCAP may even not be released yet when I tried eary this
>>year and have not looked since. I have checked it out from
>>cvs, got a successful compile (on FreeBSD 4.x and did not run
>>properly on that platform, but I was not surprised as 4.x is
>>now in maintenance mode). The readme tells you where to get
>>PCAP from - it is on the tcpdump site. Sure you can find it. I
>>do not think that Mandrake PCAP would be the required version.
>Thanks - but having adequately demonstrated my lack of Linux
>knowledge, I think I'm going to stick with running the emulator
>under Windows!
>>3. Requirement for PCAP
>>I am not a developer of SIMH but I thought PCAP functionality
>>is a must for ethernet support. pcap.a may not be required if
>>there is the proper pcap.so available. (FYI: The .a file is
>>the static library, .so is a shared library)
>Umm. OK, I understand the difference, even if I didn't know about
>it at the start. I was given a recommendation to run the emulator
>under Linux rather than Windows, but given my Linux "skills" are
>actually Unix, which I last used 25 years ago, I'm beginning to
>think this wasn't a good idea. 
I've run it under Linux without any problems.
You may want to try the version without networking
first, to figure out the easier parts.

>Thanks for the assistance. dd seems to be doing its thing as I
>write this. ;-)

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