[Simh] performance of the emulated VAX on different hosts

Andreas Davour ante at Update.UU.SE
Wed Jan 12 17:51:35 EST 2005

>>> Probably VUPOMETER.COM, it can be found here:
>>> http://www.encompasserve.org/DECUServe/DECnotes/VMS/3026.0.HTML
>> Nope, but that was a nice alternative. Thanks!
>> /andreas
> Is the attached DCL procedure the one you are after?

Now I think we all have more than enough of those VUP calculators. 
Anyway, it wasn't me that asked for them in the first place but I'll 
store them all for future usage. Maybe I should try to see if all of 
them give me 4 VUPs for my 1200MHz based simh/VAX.


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