[Simh] performance of the emulated VAX on different hosts

Andreas Davour ante at Update.UU.SE
Wed Jan 12 15:48:26 EST 2005

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005, Graham Burley wrote:

>> I asked a similar question once, on comp.os.vms I think. Somebody gave
>> me a DCL command file what made some calculations and gave you a VUPs
>> rating for your simh VAX. I can see if I still have that around if you
>> like. Maybe it can give you some indication. I don't know really.
> Probably VUPOMETER.COM, it can be found here:
> http://www.encompasserve.org/DECUServe/DECnotes/VMS/3026.0.HTML

Nope, but that was a nice alternative. Thanks!


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