[Simh] Simh processor usage.

Bishop, Lewis lewis.bishop at eds.com
Wed Apr 6 19:23:57 EDT 2005


A while back I queried about whether or not SimH could be changed to not use
idle cpu cycles. Unfortunately the response was that it wasn't planned.
After searching around the only utility I could find was called revelos and
whilst it worked well there was a $400 charge for it. I inquired if they
would do some form of personal usage license but they declined.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I have since found
threadmaster which does pretty much the same but is freeware -
http://threadmaster.tripod.com <http://threadmaster.tripod.com> . I can now
happily use SimH and know that the cpu usage is kept down - for me that was
an important issue and without it I was not running the simulation.

Re SimH - fantastic work guys - keep it up!


Lewis Bishop.

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