[Simh] Tops-10 and Fortran problem

Philip Stone philip at huttonsambo.com
Sat Mar 27 10:49:10 EST 2004

I've been tinkering with Tops-10 v7.03 on simh. I've installed it OK (I
think) and also installed the Fortran-10 field test tape fort11v.tap

However the following little program seems to hang the emulator fatally:

00100           PROGRAM TEST
00300           INTEGER I
00400           REAL X,Y
00600           DO 10 I=1,20
00800           X=FLOAT(I)/10.0
00900           Y=EXP(X)
01000           WRITE(5,20),X,Y
01100   20      FORMAT(1X,F12.7,3X,F12.7)
01300   10      CONTINUE
01500           END

The problem seems to happen in execution of EXP(X) and simh will not
respond, even to Control-E. If I edit out the EXP
or replace it with another call,e.g. SIN, it runs fine.

I have tried this with Bill Schaubs pre-built image as well, just in case I
had mucked up the install and it still happens with that.

I am using v3.1-0 of the psp10 emulator, but it also happens with 2.10-4.

I'm not a tops-10 or a Fortan whizz (it has been 25 years, etc.), so of
course it could be (probably is) somenthing I've done wrong - any help is
greatly appreciated.


Philip Stone
philip at huttonsambo.com

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