[Simh-dev] Update

Bob Supnik bob at supnik.org
Wed Aug 25 19:10:42 EDT 2010

  I haven't said much about 3.8-2 lately.  Unfortunately, it's been one 
step forward, two steps back, as bug reports are coming in faster than I 
can address them.

That said, there is lots of good news in all the testing that's occurring:

1. Van Snyder continues to find small errors in the IBM 1401, through a 
combination of debugging system software and running small test cases on 
real hardware.  Divide and tape EOF handling are particular sore spots.

2. There's been some discussion on the help mailing list about PDP-7 
DECsys, with people reporting that the Fortran compiler and assembler 
don't work.  I'm fairly sure I tested these when I first received the 
DECsys image from the University of Oregon, but I'll have to recheck.

3. Dave Pitts got CTSS running on a modified version of Paul Pierce's 
S709 simulator.  In doing so, he uncovered numerous errors in the 
implementation of the CTSS special features, as well as one showstopper 
in magtape timing.  The coding changes are extensive and will require 
thorough retesting.


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